Sunday, May 25, 2014

Our homework responses for Week 3

A leader for a day

Our Inquiry is about Leadership and whether it is better to lead or to follow. 
You are going to choose from one of the following three options and decide what you would do while being a leader.
  1. You are the Prime Minister of NZ for the day. Name some of the jobs our Prime Minister does then write what you would do as our new leader?   You can change three things…. What would they be?
Do you think being the Prime Minister would an easy job? Would you like to be this sort of leader?
  1. You are the Principal of Botany Downs School for a day. Name some of the jobs our Principal does then write what you would do for our school? You can change three things…. What would they be? Do you think being a Principal would be easy? Would you like to have this job?
  1. You are a house leader for a day. Name some of the jobs our House Leader’s do then write what changes would you make for your house and for our school? You can change three things… What would they be? Do you think being a House Leader would be an easy job? Would you like to have this job?


1 comment:

  1. Well done room 22....there are some very sensible and thought out ideas. Wouldn't it be cool with Mr T's approval, if you could try some of them for a week hmmmm...Patricia W :-)
