Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday 17th February



Dear parents


Special Terrific Persons Awards
Congratulations to all the following children, who will receive their special certificates at this Friday morning’s assembly, starting at 9.10am, and run by Room 20, assisted by Hillary House leaders: Brooke Fleming, Ethan Moore, Mikayla Wilson, Levi Brickell, Harlym Tauariki-Ropiha, Emma Chang, Kate Jacobs, Luke Sidwell, Joy Chen, Aditeya Anand, Shloka Parikh, Kevashan Moodley, Adrian Sua, Caitlyn Marston, Christian Arderne, Rachel Prow, Enrique Macwan, Ashleigh McCormack and Amritleen Garcha



Park Safely and Keep Our Children Safe


This term our school is participating in Auckland Transport’s “Safety at the School Gate” programme.

Drivers who stop in the wrong place to drop off passengers put the safety of children at risk. 

Parking officers will be on patrol outside the school this term and will be issuing tickets to drivers who park illegally.

The approach will be one of “zero tolerance”.  There will be no warnings issued.

Please do not double park, park on yellow lines, or block someone’s driveway.

Please park legally to keep our children safe and to avoid being ticketed.


This Friday 21 February


Pack up a family dinner for our Family Fun Night on the field.

Iceblocks and snacks will be on sale by the senior classrooms so bring your gold coins.

If wet this event will be cancelled.

Ice Blocks and Mufti Day
This Wednesday (19th) at morning tea.  $2 for an iceblock, $1 for mufti.  See the separate notice.

Life Education
The Life Education Trust Mobile Classroom is at school for the next two weeks.  There is no charge to parents, as the $5 cost comes out of the activity fee.

Parents, please ensure the activity fee of $40 is paid in full by the end of this month.  This is not a donation, but a fee to cover actual expenses to the school.

Updated contacts
If you have recently changed your address or contact phone numbers please could you let the office know or send them an email:

School Bankin
School banking is offered through the school with the ASB bank and is collected every Thursday.  If you would like more information please contact Mrs Bishop in the office.

World Vision Leadership Workshops
On Wednesday 12 February, the World Vision Schools Relationship Co-ordinator facilitated leadership workshops for each of our Year 5 /6 classes.  The children discussed what leadership is, played games to experience the importance of knowing when to follow and when to lead, and watched video clips about leadership.  The children had a really good time and learnt a lot.  This ties in really well with our focus on ‘being our BEST always’ and the unit on Leadership.

Sunshine Online
Sunshine Online was widely used last year by teachers and parents, providing access to reading age appropriate books and activities to reinforce Literacy learning in a fun and effective way.  This year we have had to pay a subscription in order to gain access but the good news is, students can use it at home too, without having to pay a further subscription.             User Name:           botany2014            Password:           sunshine

The following children have been selected for exhibiting courtesy and good manners (our current “value”), and will be acknowledged at Friday’s assembly: Lorenzo Smith, Sarah-hayley Palei, Shion Kitamura, Elise Perkins, Blake Nankivell, Caitlin Hunkin, Abigail Clements, Alex Arthur, Hunter Brown, Maia Cracknell, Ruby Willetts, Sophie Hurley, Natalie Beach, Tomoki Hutton, Hakam Malla, Ryan Fletcher, Annaliese Thorburn, Jacob Newson and Caden Harris

Have a fantastic week everyone

Mr T

Junior Rugby Registrations 2014


Registration and weigh in dates for Pakuranga United Rugby Club are:

Saturday 22 Feb- 1-4pm; Sunday 23 Feb- 9am-12pm; Wednesday 26 Feb- 5-8pm; Saturday 1 Mar- 9am-12pm;

Wednesday 5 Mar-5-8pm; Thursday 6 Mar-5-8pm; Sunday 9 Mar- 9am-12pm

Weigh-ins are at the clubrooms at Bell Park while you can register on line at


  1. my mum said you have an awsome classroom. A.J.

  2. it is cheerful and awesome classroom A.J
